Airframe Innovations manufactures versatile rear utility seats for the Cessna C-170, 172, 175, 180, 182, 185 aircraft. Please see STC info below for applicability.
Commonly called Cessna Jump Seats, our Cessna style seat frames provide versatility and ease of removal/install. This is a win-win when you are switching from passenger to cargo configurations often.
Easily Convert the rear of your plane from passenger seating to roomy cargo space with ease. Installation of our seats only improves the abilities of your plane, our seats even cut down on the weight of the aircraft.
FAA Design Approval for seat belt attach hardware for older Cessna models has been included in the STC.
No AD's.
The Approved Model List for direct PMA replacement includes all C185's and C180 Models H, J and K.
STC for C170, 172, 175, 180 and 182's NOW APPROVED!
Q. Are these new seats?
A. Yes these are new FAA/PMA direct replacement Cessna divided utility seats.
Q. Your seat frames look a lot like the Seat frames Clyde Cessna built for the late model 180's and 185's?
A. Thank you. These are only slightly improved from Clyde Cessna's original design for the aircraft.
Q. Are your seats STC'd
A. Yes! The STC covers all 170 and 175. 172 (serial numbers 1722800-17249544) 180 A-E, 182 A-D.
These are FAA/PMA direct replacements for 180H and newer as well as ALL 185's. No STC required for these aircraft. All the flight manual information and weight and balance data is already in your AFM for 180H and newer and all 185's. These are the only seats approved for use with the 5/6 aft most seat.
Q. Do I need to install Seat belt brackets
A. Depending on how your aircraft is currently configured seat belt brackets may be required. Seat belt brackets kits are an additonal $250 per aircraft and increase installation time to approximately one hour. Many aircraft have been modified or repiared, Please call so we may serve you better.
Q. Do your seats have AD's on them
A. No. Ours is a proven and convertible design with a removable seat backs for easy loading over the top of the seat base
Q. Are your seats adjustable fore and aft?
A. No. The fixed position of the seat insures that the seat belts maintain the correct geometry to properly secure and restrain the occupant.
Q. Do your seats fold up?
A. Absolutely not! Our seats provide convertibility for deliberate use without creating a choke point and wasted space on the sidewall of the aircraft. In is in. Out is out. No moving parts and rails to get misaligned over time! It takes most pilots less than one minute per side to have an unobstructed floor and cabin for loading and unloading. With bases and backs separated the seats conveniently store ANYWHERE YOU want them to, with or without the aircraft.
Q. Do your seat frames come covered?
A. No after market utility seat manufacturer provides covered seat frames.
Q. How long does it take to cover these frames.
A. Templates and instructions are provided to assist you in cutting the 3/8” plywood (available locally) bases and backs. We suggest the use of space age Comfur foam from Aircraft Spruce and the fabric of your choosing wrapped over the top and stapled to the bases. Takes approx. one hour to cover both seats.
Q. Can I still use the original bench seat later.
A. Yes, absolutely. We offer the only aftermarket utility seats that allow direct convertibility between bench and utility seats.
Q. I've heard utility seats are uncomfortable for long flights.
A. That may be true for others. We use space age Comfur foam from aircraft spruce on the seats we use in our 135 operation. We routinely carry full size hunters on 2 hour legs without complaint. Our seats are in use more than 500 Hrs each year without complaint.
Q. What are your color chooses?
A. Like all new aircraft parts they come epoxy primed, (grey) ready to be painted to the color of your choosing.
Q. I already have a set of Divided Utility Seat frames. Can I buy just the STC paperwork to install these in my aircraft?
A. The FAA Approved STC, FAA Approved STC Installation Instructions and FAA Approved Flight Manual Supplement are for installation of our seat frames, by part number into your specific serial number aircraft. While are seat frames our VERY similar to the OEM Divided Utility seat frame they are different. Knowing you don't have our seat frames, selling you paperwork to install our seat frames would be doing you a disservice. If the frames are not ours installing them under our STC would be a non-conforming installation.
We can happily provide you with the FAA Approved STC, STC Installation Instructions and Approved Flight manual supplement for your aircraft with a pair of our seats for $3590.
If you would like only one seat (left or right) we can provide a single conforming seat with all supporting documentation for $1750. (This is significantly less than the cost of hiring a DER to approve existing seats and Much faster than attempting a field approval for an STC product).
Q. How can I determine if I have Airframe Innovations Inc. Divided Utility seat frames, Cessna Divided Utility seat frames, or homemade/owner produced seat frames?
A. Like other aeronautical products Airframe Innovations Inc. Divided utility seats have proprietary markings and parts identifying labels. If you can identify the Airframe Innovations proprietary parts label and the assemblies have not been repaired or altered you may have a part or parts that conform to our STC. We are happy to assist you in identifying if what you have may be conforming to our STC. Send pictures of the parts identification markings, detailed three view pictures of the bottom and back seat frames without any attaching hardware or upholstery so we may be of assistance.
Q. How much is shipping?
A. Typical USPS shipping and handling is about $120 domestic. Shipping costs will be comparable to any other after market utility seat shipped to your location. Fed Ex and UPS are signifigantly higher, but we are happy to ship by the carrier of your choosing.
Installation hardware is include for your aircraft by serial number.
When considering utility seats please consider installation time.
Other seats install with 12-16 hours of additional labor costs compared to ours.
Seat belt bracket kits are also available.
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